Vnloves prides itself on making products from the highest quality materials with attention to detail. We have a warehouse in the United States so all of our items will be shipped from the United States. All orders will be using a fast shipping service such as UPS, USPS... for the purpose the product will be sent to you in the fastest time. Orders in the US will receive free shipping. For additional info on our return, shipping policies see below!
Your order will be processed, packed, and shipped within 03 working days of order placement. The delivery timeline starts when the shipment is prepared and is handed over to the courier.
We use a fast shipping service and the shipping time is around 3-6 working days for orders in the USA and UK, around 5-15 working days for orders in the EU, around 25-30 working days for orders in the AU.
All our shipments are provided with a tracking link. Please feel free to follow the tracking link to check your delivery status.
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL (Process + Shipping time)
US: 6-9 days
UK, EU: 8-28 days
Other Countries: 28-33 days
We do not offer shipping to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separately.
- If your order has been shipped out, a Tracking Number will be sent to you via email.
- You can track your order via the following link:
- Contact Customer Service at: if you have any doubts referring to your orders.
- Many times your package will be sitting at the local post office due or there was a missed delivery attempt.
- For U.S. orders, if a package has not been successfully delivered and it has been more than 20 days since the order was placed and tracking data is showing, you can request a refund or make a request to have the order be re-sent. If it has been less than 20 days and tracking data is showing, please patiently wait until the package has a chance to arrive.
- For international orders, if a package has not been successfully delivered and it has been more than 40 days and tracking data is showing we will replace or refund these orders.
If your item has not arrived within the time frame, contact Customer Service at: and we will do our best to help you!
Shipping Rates: